[Day43] Read Rust Atomics and Locks - Read-Modify-Write in the x86 Processor

by Mara Bos

At Topic: Chapter 7 Read-Modify-Write Operations


Compare-and-Exchange Operations

  • Compare-and-Exchange checks if the atomic value is equal to a given value, and only if that is the case does it replace it with a new value (as a single operation)
  • compare_exchange_weak: Similar to compare_exchange, but the difference is that the weak version may still sometimes leave the value untouched and return an Err, even though the atomic value matched the expected value.
  • We could use Compare-and-Exchange to implement all the other atomic operations by putting it in a loop to retry if it did change.
// source: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/atomic/struct.AtomicUsize.html#examples-11 use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; let some_var = AtomicUsize::new(5); // some_var compares to the first argument (5) and if it is equal, it will be replaced by the second argument (10) assert_eq!(some_var.compare_exchange(5, 10, Ordering::Acquire, Ordering::Relaxed), Ok(5)); assert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 10);


An example of read-modify-write operation in x86-64 and ARM64:

// Rust code pub fn a(x: &mut i32) { *x += 10; }


// Compiled x86-64
    add dword ptr [rdi], 10

// Compiled ARM64
    ldr w8, [x0]
    add w8, w8, #10
    str w8, [x0]
  • While loading and storing happens in different steps in ARM64, it is clear that the instructions are not atomic.
  • x86-64's add instruction will be separated by the process into several micro-instructions behind the scenes, so it is not atomic as well.

If instructions run on a single core, the atomic issue is not a problem, as switching a processor core between threads generally only happens between instructions. But if multiple cores are involved, it is crucial to consider the multiple steps of a read-modify-write operation.

x86 systems provide an instruction prefix called lock as a modifier to make instructions like add atomic.

    lock add dword ptr [rdi], 10
  • In modern processors, The lock prefix blocks the using memory while allowing other cores to operate on unrelated memory.
  • The lock prefix can only be applied to a few instructions, including add, sub, and, not, or, and xor.
  • The xchg instruction (exchange), used for atomic swaps, implicitly behaves as if it has a lock prefix, ensuring it is always atomic.

A fetch_add example in x86-64:

pub fn a(x: &AtomicI32) -> i32 { x.fetch_add(10, Relaxed) }


    mov eax, 10
    lock xadd dword ptr [rdi], eax

Instead of the add instruction, the xadd (exchange and add) instruction is used, as it places the original value of x into a register (eax) before performing the addition.

add can provide a little of useful to next instructions though, such as whether the updated value was zero or negative.

  • xadd (O), xchf (O), xsub (X), xand (X), xor (X)
  • For subtraction, this isn't problematic since xadd can be used with negative values.
  • For and, or and xor(Bitwise Operations) => bts (bit test and set), btr (bit test and reset), and btc (bit test and complement)
  • When operations affect more than one bit, they cannot be represented by a single x86-64 instruction.
  • The x86-64 architecture supports a lock-prefixable cmpxchg (compare and exchange) instruction, which can be used to implement atomic operations that are not directly supported by the x86-64 instruction such as fetch_or:
pub fn a(x: &AtomicI32) -> i32 { x.fetch_or(10, Relaxed) }


    mov eax, dword ptr [rdi]      ; Load the value from the atomic variable (pointed to by rdi) into eax
    mov ecx, eax                  ; Copy the value in eax to ecx (prepare for OR operation)
    or ecx, 10                    ; Perform a bitwise OR on ecx with 10, storing the result in ecx
    lock cmpxchg dword ptr [rdi], ecx  ; Atomically compare and exchange:
                                       ; - Compare the value in eax with the value at the memory address rdi
                                       ; - If they are equal, store ecx (new value) at eax
                                       ; - If not, store the current value at rdi in eax
    jne .L1                       ; If the comparison failed (values were not equal), jump back to .L1 to retry
    ret                           ; Return from the function, with the original value in eax

On x86-64, there is no difference between compare_exchange and compare_exchange_weak. Both compile down to a lock cmpxchg instruction.
