[Day40] Read Rust Atomics and Locks - Optimize Arc

by Mara Bos

At Topic: Chapter 6. Optimizing

An Extension of the previous Record: Upgrade Arc with Weak ability



  • Goal: To share ownership
  • Thread safe (While Rc is not)
  • Immutable (So is Rc)
let a = Arc::new([1, 2, 3]); let b = a.clone(); assert_eq!(a.as_ptr(), b.as_ptr()); // Same allocation!


  • An UnsafeCell is the primitive building unit for interior mutability
  • No restrictions to avoid undefined behavior
  • Can only be used in unsafe block
  • Commonly, an UnsafeCell is wrapped in another type that provides safety through a limited interface, such as Cell or Mutex.
  • In other words, all types with interior mutability are built on top of UnsafeCell, Including: Cell, RefCell, RwLock, Mutex...
  • Gets a mutable raw pointer (*mut T) to the wrapped value by get method.
pub const fn get(&self) -> *mut T

Compare-and-Exchange Operations

  • Compare-and-Exchange checks if the atomic value is equal to a given value, and only if that is the case does it replace it with a new value (as a single operation)
  • compare_exchange_weak: Similar to compare_exchange, but the difference is that the weak version may still sometimes leave the value untouched and return an Err, even though the atomic value matched the expected value.
  • We could use Compare-and-Exchange to implement all the other atomic operations by putting it in a loop to retry if it did change
// source: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/atomic/struct.AtomicUsize.html#examples-11 use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; let some_var = AtomicUsize::new(5); // some_var compares to the first argument (5) and if it is equal, it will be replaced by the second argument (10) assert_eq!(some_var.compare_exchange(5, 10, Ordering::Acquire, Ordering::Relaxed), Ok(5)); assert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 10);


To see full implementation, please go here. I just write down things that I feel important.

  • In this case, the Arc<T> does not wrap around Weak<T>
  1. Since the existence of Arc<T> has already told us whether the data is sill alive or not, we do not need another None state to tell us that. Therefore, instead of Option<T>, we use ManuallyDrop<T> to store the data.
  2. std::mem::ManuallyDrop<T>: it takes the exact same amount of space as a T, but allows us to manually drop it at any point by using an unsafe call to ManuallyDrop::drop().
  3. The way to design alloc_ref_count is really cool
struct ArcData<T> { /// Number of `Arc`s. data_ref_count: AtomicUsize, /// Number of `Weak`s, plus one if there are any `Arc`s. alloc_ref_count: AtomicUsize, /// The data. Dropped if there are only weak pointers left. data: UnsafeCell<ManuallyDrop<T>>, }
  • get_mut method is a great case to study (I might only understand about 60% on this read)
  • The locking operation must use Acquire to ensure that all previous writes are visible to the current thread. The unlocking operation (store) must use Release to ensure that all subsequent writes are visible to other threads.


Some questions I hope someone can answer me.

  1. I think if another thread runs weak.clone() right after the main thread runs get_mut(), it is possible that the process could be aborted.

  2. In get_mut() implementation, I think it is allowed to clone an Arc between fence(Acquire) and if condition which might violate the exclusive access to the data.

pub fn get_mut(arc: &mut Self) -> Option<&mut T> { // Acquire matches Weak::drop's Release decrement, to make sure any // upgraded pointers are visible in the next data_ref_count.load. if arc.data().alloc_ref_count.compare_exchange( 1, usize::MAX, Acquire, Relaxed ).is_err() { return None; } let is_unique = arc.data().data_ref_count.load(Relaxed) == 1; // Release matches Acquire increment in `downgrade`, to make sure any // changes to the data_ref_count that come after `downgrade` don't // change the is_unique result above. arc.data().alloc_ref_count.store(1, Release); if !is_unique { return None; } // I think it is allowed to clone an `Arc` here fence(Acquire); unsafe { Some(&mut *arc.data().data.get()) } }
