[Day4] Read Rust Atomics and Locks
by Mara Bos
At Topics: Chapter 1. Basics of Rust Concurrency
- Know
: A reference can live for the entire duration of the program
spawn scoped threads => possible to safely borrow local variables. eg:let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3]; // it does not have a 'static bound // allowing us to ref. anything as long as it outlives the scope, such as number thread::scope(|s| { s.spawn(|| { println!("length: {}", numbers.len()); }); s.spawn(|| { for n in &numbers { println!("{n}"); } }); }); // the program waits for both spawned threads to finish executing before continuing
The "Leakpocalypse": The design of a safe interface cannot rely on the assumption that objects will always be dropped at the end of their lifetime.
Eg. a cycle of reference-counted nodes
Leaking is always a possibility
Not Understand Yet
Actually the topic: The Leakpocalypse