[Day39] Read Rust Atomics and Locks - Upgrade Arc with Weak ability

by Mara Bos

At Topic: Chapter 6. Weak Pointers

A Weak<T> aka. weak pointer provides a solution for dropping "cyclic structure"



  • Goal: To share ownership
  • Thread safe (While Rc is not)
  • Immutable (So is Rc)
let a = Arc::new([1, 2, 3]); let b = a.clone(); assert_eq!(a.as_ptr(), b.as_ptr()); // Same allocation!


  • An UnsafeCell is the primitive building unit for interior mutability
  • No restrictions to avoid undefined behavior
  • Can only be used in unsafe block
  • Commonly, an UnsafeCell is wrapped in another type that provides safety through a limited interface, such as Cell or Mutex.
  • In other words, all types with interior mutability are built on top of UnsafeCell, Including: Cell, RefCell, RwLock, Mutex...
  • Gets a mutable raw pointer (*mut T) to the wrapped value by get method.
pub const fn get(&self) -> *mut T

Compare-and-Exchange Operations

  • Compare-and-Exchange checks if the atomic value is equal to a given value, and only if that is the case does it replace it with a new value (as a single operation)
  • compare_exchange_weak: Similar to compare_exchange, but the difference is that the weak version may still sometimes leave the value untouched and return an Err, even though the atomic value matched the expected value.
  • We could use Compare-and-Exchange to implement all the other atomic operations by putting it in a loop to retry if it did change
// source: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/atomic/struct.AtomicUsize.html#examples-11 use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; let some_var = AtomicUsize::new(5); // some_var compares to the first argument (5) and if it is equal, it will be replaced by the second argument (10) assert_eq!(some_var.compare_exchange(5, 10, Ordering::Acquire, Ordering::Relaxed), Ok(5)); assert_eq!(some_var.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 10);


To see full implementation, please go here. I just write down things that I feel important.

  • Weak<T> behaves similar to Arc<T>, but does not prevent an object from getting dropped => Weak<T> can exist without a T
  • Weak<T> can be upgraded to Arc<T> through its upgrade method, but only if the T still exists.
  • To provide Arc as well as Weak, it is needed to modify ArcData struct:
// Before struct ArcData<T> { ref_count: AtomicUsize, data: T, } // After struct ArcData<T> { /// Number of `Arc`s. data_ref_count: AtomicUsize, /// Number of `Arc`s and `Weak`s combined. alloc_ref_count: AtomicUsize, /// The data. `None` if there's only weak pointers left. data: UnsafeCell<Option<T>>, }
  • When implementing Deref for Arc, note that the type of ArcData.data is now UnsafeCell<Option<T>> rather than T. Therefore, it takes more steps to get &T:
// Instead of fn deref(&self) -> &T { &self.data().data } // It should be fn deref(&self) -> &T { // Using `UnsafeCell::get()` let ptr = self.weak.data().data.get(); // Safty: Since there's an Arc to the data, // the data exists and may be shared. // (*ptr): *mut Option<T> => Option<T> // (*ptr).as_ref(): &Option<T> to Option<&T> unsafe { (*ptr).as_ref().unwrap() } }
  • There are 2 focal points about Arc::get_mut:
struct ArcData<T> { data_ref_count: AtomicUsize, alloc_ref_count: AtomicUsize, // key for checking if it's the only Arc data: UnsafeCell<Option<T>>, } impl<T> Arc<T> { pub fn get_mut(arc: &mut Self) -> Option<&mut T> { if arc.weak.data().alloc_ref_count.load(Relaxed) == 1 { fence(Acquire); // Safety: Nothing else can access the data, since // there's only one Arc, to which we have exclusive access, // and no Weak pointers. let arcdata: &mut ArcData<T> = unsafe { arc.weak.ptr.as_mut() }; let option: &mut Option<T> = arcdata.data.get_mut(); // We know the data is still available since we // have an Arc to it, so this won't panic. let data: &mut T = option.as_mut().unwrap(); Some(data) } else { None } } }
  1. By alloc_ref_count, we can check both Arc and Weak count at the same time. If alloc_ref_count is 1, it means there's only one Arc and no Weak pointers. So, it's safe to get mutable access to the data.
  2. (My guess) arc.weak.ptr.as_mut() is used rather than arc.weak.data() because we need &mut ArcData<T> rather than &ArcData<T>.
  • (Quote from the book) Dropping an object in Rust will first run its Drop::drop function (if it implements Drop), and then drop all of its fields, one by one, recursively.


Why does not Weak implemented Deref?

According to Claude

  1. Safety considerations: Weak pointers don't guarantee that the data they point to still exists. If Weak implemented Deref, users might incorrectly assume that the data is always available, which could lead to unsafe behavior.
  2. Semantic mismatch: Deref is typically used to represent some kind of "ownership" or "guaranteed existence" relationship. Weak pointers fundamentally don't provide this guarantee.
  3. Different usage patterns: Arc needs frequent access to its internal data, so Deref is useful. Weak is primarily used to check if data exists and potentially upgrade to an Arc, not for direct access.

My Difficulty

  • I know UnsafeCell supplies more control and lower overhead and is great for synchronization. But the timing to use it rather than Cell or RefCell is quite difficult!
  • When to know my customized struct needs to implement Drop?
