[Day35] Read Rust Atomics and Locks - Safe Channel Through Types

by Mara Bos

At Topic: Chapter 5. Safety Through Types

An Extension of the previous Records: An Unsafe One-Shot Channel, Safety Through Runtime Checks



  • Goal: To share ownership
  • Thread safe (While Rc is not)
  • immutable (So is Rc)
let a = Arc::new([1, 2, 3]); let b = a.clone(); assert_eq!(a.as_ptr(), b.as_ptr()); // Same allocation!


Target: Prevent send and receive methods being called multiple times.


  1. Create two separate types called Sender and Receiver (If the book hadn't taught it, I would never have thought of this approach in my entire life)
  2. Use self (rather than &seldf) in the send and receive methods to consume the entire Sender and Receiver instances.
pub fn channel<T>() -> (Sender<T>, Receiver<T>) {} pub struct Sender<T> {} pub struct Receiver<T> {} impl<T> Sender<T> { // consume the entire Sender instance after sending a message pub fn send(self, message: T) {} } impl<T> Receiver<T> { pub fn is_ready(&self) -> bool {} // consume the entire Receiver instance after receiving a message pub fn receive(self) -> T {} }

Entire implementation:

// source: https://github.com/m-ou-se/rust-atomics-and-locks/blob/main/src/ch5_channels/s4_types.rs pub struct Sender<T> { channel: Arc<Channel<T>>, } pub struct Receiver<T> { channel: Arc<Channel<T>>, } pub fn channel<T>() -> (Sender<T>, Receiver<T>) { let a = Arc::new(Channel { message: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()), ready: AtomicBool::new(false), // in_use: AtomicBool::new(false), // no longer needed }); (Sender { channel: a.clone() }, Receiver { channel: a }) } struct Channel<T> { message: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<T>>, ready: AtomicBool, } impl<T> Sender<T> { // do not need panic since being called once is now compile guaranteed pub fn send(self, message: T) { unsafe { (*self.channel.message.get()).write(message) }; self.channel.ready.store(true, Release); } } impl<T> Receiver<T> { pub fn is_ready(&self) -> bool { self.channel.ready.load(Relaxed) } pub fn receive(self) -> T { if !self.channel.ready.swap(false, Acquire) { panic!("no message available!"); } unsafe { (*self.channel.message.get()).assume_init_read() } } } unsafe impl<T> Sync for Channel<T> where T: Send {} impl<T> Drop for Channel<T> { fn drop(&mut self) { if *self.ready.get_mut() { unsafe { self.message.get_mut().assume_init_drop() } } } }
